Thursday 26 September 2013

Book Review
Title: Horton hatches the egg!   Author: D.R seuss
Date started: 23 september 2013   Date finished: 24 september 2013
What was the book about? The book is about a mother bird that gets sick
of sitting on her egg for weeks and never gets a break and asks Horton
the elephant to look after her egg and Horton sits on the egg for a month until the mother of egg flies around a circus show and Horton is there and she flies in and sees Horton on the egg and the egg hatches and out comes a baby elephant and has wings and a bird's tail and has a trunk.
what did you like about the book? I liked it when Horton went on a cargo
ship and got sent to New york and sold got to a circus.
Were there any parts you didn't like? There was nothing i didn't like I think the book was quite marvelous.
What was your favourite part of the book?
My favorite part was when the egg hatched and turned out half elephant and half bird
Would you recommend this book to a friend?
YES          NO
How many stars would you give this book? Colour the stars.

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